Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend with W-GEN

Gresik, 27 April 2009

25 April 2009:
Meeting with Yuri, went to Galaxy Mall, bought movie ticket 'PUSH". Lucky us, we got the best seat that was D11 and D12. I was so starved at that time, so just run away to the food court, eat Pempek Palembang, Bubur Madura and Es Teller. During the show, Niken tried to contacted me couples times. Honestly, I really reluctant to meet her at that moment. The movie ended at 4 pm. We decided went to FO around Sumatera Street (I forget the name of that FO), but it is very convenience place to shopping, there is also small corner food stall that very cozy to relax. I bought 1 shirt, the shirt reminds me of Batok (he gave me a shirt from China that has a sexy picture on it, thanks dude). After I dropped Yuri into his house, I run to Tunjungan Plaza, Niken and the gank were waiting for me at Dante.

Hmmm, although I was so late at that time (bcos they were already at Dante since 3 pm) , I arrived at 5.30 pm hehehehe. W-GEN came together to celebrate Ika's Birthday Party and also Grace Promotion of her Job. Hmmmm I think Dante is nice place to chit chat, very cozy and supported with wifi. Catur brought his net book, hmmm DELL, nice net book......( I want to buy it hehehehe). After had a coffee, we went to Penang, hmmm the food were so delicious. Then we went to Nav Dr Soetomo, we sang for 2 hours. Hmmmm we were getting wild hehehehehe. Hmmm the girls took so many pictures. It is reminds me when we are still in the college. Yeah, this moment is very rarely to happened on us bcos we are busy with our own life. It is nice to see them laugh, dancing, singing, jumping, posing , ur rock girls although catur had a bad mood cos he can't surfing on net cos Nav has troubled with wifi connection.
Hmmm, rough night, At 10.30 pm I arrived at my boarding house. Can't sleep though, so watched the movie that I bought from Galaxy.

26 April 2009:
Niken woke me up by texting me news that Sayu already has a baby (the baby was born at 1 am). She asked me whether want to join with her to visit Sayu. I decided went to Surabaya at noon, swam, shopping ....yeah. I take some money to spend on cloths. I bought several t-shirts, It is nice to do shopping again, after 6 months not buying shirt hehehehe.



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